Our Coaches

Aidan Chemaly

Head Coach of Mobilus Clarke Quay

I started CrossFit at the beginning of 2013. Before that, I had been playing Rugby my entire life. I started CrossFit as a way for me to get ready for the upcoming rugby season. This would be my last one season of Rugby as I was hooked after one session. I can vividly remember my second session of CrossFit and doing Fran. It took me 13:32, and now, I’ve been to the CrossFit Regionals twice and to the CrossFit Games once!!

I have been in the fitness industry for nearly 10 years now and am a firm believer that the devil is in the details, be it in exercise or in life, paying attention to the littlest things makes all the difference. Trying to make huge changes at the get-go is unsustainable and unrealistic, we need to try make ourselves 1% better every single day. We can often become too focused on what someone else can do and not on how we can improve ourselves and also try to have as much fun as possible along the way. Or else what’s the point!


2x CrossFit Pacific Regional Team Athlete

CrossFit Games Team Athlete 2016

CrossFit Level 1 Certified

Bachelor of Sport and Recreation (Exercise Science and Community Health)

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach

Interested in getting Aidan as your Personal Trainer? Contact us!

Simply fill up the form below and we will get back to you!
If you like a recommendation on a Personal Trainer, please do let us know in the message box on your preferences and fitness goals. We will match you with one that suits you!